Learning a language in duo

Learning the language is of course one of the most important things to do when immigrating to another country. Since the Montenegrin language seems to be very difficult for many at first, we would like to make it a little easier for you. We will put you in touch with a Montenegrin language partner with whom you can learn together. The idea is that you teach each other the local language.

There are many ways to learn a new language. You can learn using a language app, using a textbook with possibly also audio files, or in an individual or group course with a language teacher. But why not just learn directly with a local local?!
Learning a language doesn’t always have to be difficult and such “dry matter”. You can go shopping with your language partner, whom we will be happy to arrange for you, and learn the appropriate “vocabulary” while shopping – or you can go for a walk together and learn the language together on the beach. It can be much more relaxed than you are used to from learning a language.

So, the process would be that you simply get in touch with us, say that you would like to have a language partner – you are welcome to express your wishes, such as that you would like to study with a man or a woman or someone of the same age or if your children should learn with other children. Whatever – some people would also like to learn with an old person in order to still learn the “original language”.