Our association is founded

Moin moin, dear people!

Well, I’m really happy to tell you that we have finally founded our association here in Montenegro! It is a German-Montenegrin cultural association and it is called “Domora NVO”.

We simply have a lot more opportunities to act here in Montenegro through an association and not only to create projects, but also to implement them with the support of ministries and the German Embassy.
The idea is essentially to bring Montenegrins and Germans closer together. So, above all, to bring the Montenegrin culture a little closer to the Germans.
For example, there will be a language exchange program in which Montenegrins and Germans can teach each other the other language, there will be game evenings with both cultures, cooking evenings where Montenegrin women will cook and show local dishes etc. etc..
We simply have more opportunities to gather officially through the association.
Based on previous discussions with the Ministry of Sports & Culture here in Montenegro, we expect their support in realizing our projects.
For example, there is the possibility of founding both a (German-Montenegrin) kindergarten and a school here in Montenegro via the association. An international school for example. An acquaintance of ours is a principal in a school in Ulcinj. She speaks and teaches German. She would be interested in founding such an international school.
The German embassy will certainly also support this (since we are planning the project as an association). And I suspect there will be a lot of teachers who will be happy to take part.
Of course, the idea isn’t just to have German children at the school – it’s international. So let’s see if and in what form we can get this up and running. I am excited.
So, well, there will soon be a website and social media channels. We will of course announce and post all of this everywhere. We would be very happy if you would join our association and thus support projects.